Integumentary System Review Guide
Oct 29, 2012 - Study Guide Chapter 6 – Integumentary System. What are the functions of the skin? What are the three major layers of the skin? What are the. The Integumentary System. 6 Study Guide. Critically read Chapter 6–. 187-194 before “Skin Color” section; Skip Section 6.2 (Hair and Nails).
Integumentary System Study guide Remember guys, no notes next week. So study hard! If anything is vague on the study guide, or you want it explained to you again just ask!
Comment below or email me. Compare/Contrast thick skin versus thin skin What is Keratinization, and where does it begin? Which properties of the integument (skin) protect us against infection? Which layers of the epidermis are the thickest/thinnest?
What is the order of the epidermal layers moving from deep to superficial and vice versa? Compare and contrast the different glands found in the integument. What do they secrete? Which are affected by stress? Where are sensory receptors found? Which layer of hair is the strongest?
Integumentary System Review Worksheet

What type of tissues compose the different layers of the integument? In what layers are cells alive? And in which are they dead? What proportion of the body’s blood does skin hold? Which layers of the integument are vascular? Which are avascular?

Where are hair follicles found? Which type of sweat glands are least common? What is the function of the hypodermis?
Integumentary System Review Guide
What is the purpose of lamellar and keratinohyaline granules What are the different chemical and physical barriers that the skin provides? Which epidermal strata divides living tissue from non-living tissue? Where are melanocytes found? Haynes manual r850r. What is the approximate pH of the skin and what is the purpose of that?