Old Winchester Reloading Manual
The star rating you see is an aggregate from all customers who respond; the reviews are from customers willing to share their star rating and comment publicly with others. 2016 ford explorer sport. Customer Viewpoint ratings and reviews are provided by customers who have either purchased a vehicle or visited a dealership for service.
Data from older winchester reloading manual Registered Users do not see the above ad. Does anyone have one of the older winchester load manuals- about an 11th or 12 edition? I am in need of data for win 540 with AA hulls for 28 ga - there is probably only one load shown ( 540 has been discontinued for several years) Thanks! Shop from the world's largest selection and best deals for Gun Manuals for Winchester. 30-30 Winchester The Complete Reloading Manual Load Books.
Old Winchester Reloading Manuals

.38-40 Winchester /.38-40 WCF rifles (Loading the Old Ones) Warning! Notes: We must separate rifles in this caliber into weaker and stronger groups.
Reloading Manual
As with the.38-55 WCF, factory ammo has been kept sufficiently mild to be safe in the weaker actions. Group I (see remarks) weaker actions include Model 1873 Winchester and Colt Lightning pump guns. Group II (see remarks) embraces Model 1892 Winchesters and Model 1894 Marlins. Use only flatnosed bullets in tubular magazines. Note: Group I loads can also be used in Group II rifles if Match loads are desired. (Handloader Issue 142 'Loading the Old Ones' by Ken Waters) Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. Bullet Powder Manufacturer Powder Charge Velocity (FPS) 172 Lyman 40143 Alliant Herco Remarks: Group I 172 Lyman 40143 Alliant 2400 Remarks: Group I 172 Lyman 40143 IMR IMR-4227 Remarks: Group I 180 FNSP Alliant Herco Remarks: Group I 180 FNSP Alliant 2400 Remarks: Group II 180 FNSP IMR IMR-4227 Remarks: Group II.