Ford E350 Brake Service Manual
The Online Ford E350 Van Repair Manual by ALLDATA DIY provides specifications, diagrams, diagnostic codes, procedures, OEM part numbers, technical service bulletins, Ford factory recalls for all Ford E350 Van systems and components. Equip cars, trucks & SUVs with 2012 Ford E350 Super Duty Repair Manual. Part Number: 10410; Notes: See Haynes manual titled: automotive brake manual.
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Have had same problem with 2009 f150 for the last 8 years. Truck was one yr old when started; have had it into shop many times 6-7 they reset the computer and it goes away for a while. Light always come back and code always says lost communication. Got tired of paying for programing and didn't want to start parting out so I took a look at abs control unit and noticed the wire harness plug was lose, you could move it up and down easily. I took a.10 wire tie, zip tie, put it around plug and abs unit pulled tight, problem solved. Its been over 2 months and no lights on dash, I believe the plug was loose and whenever I hit a pothole or just vibration, it came lose. I can't believe the amount of money and time was spent on a loose plug.
Many things could cause what you are describing. Without scanning your car's computer for what is going on it would be hit and miss diagnosing the cause(s). A number of people are not aware of this but many auto parts stores, including AutoZone, offer free diagnostic hook-ups. I would call around to find an auto parts store that does the free diagnostic scan on your car's computer. This is not a direct solution to your problem. It is the most economical and feasible one I can think of. The computer diagnostic scanners that the auto parts store will hook up for free is the same one(s) used by many mechanics who will charge you for the service.
I know exactly what this is, it is called the ABS Tone ring, replaced 2 myself, not overly complicated, yet not overly simply. It is common in these Escapes mine is 2005.
My abs and 4x4 light came on, and sure enough it was the tone ring, happened to the other side 6 months later. Look behind the tire for something that looks like an exposed gear, with teeth connected to the axel, it is likely broken. There is one on all 4 tires, in my experience the fronts are more likely to fail. I got them at Luckily i sprung for the 2 pack since it was only a little bit more.
Turns out my logic/intuition was correct, if one failed the other probably will, 6 months later bam! My mechanic told me about these sensors behind the wheels and that my front passenger wheel was not lined up correctly. He said good stable monitoring of wheel rotation requires this sensor to be in the correct position and it sometimes requires repositioning. So he repositioned it & also put a small weld to secure it. He said sometimess these sensors have a hard time reading the data from wheel rotation accurately, which is required for ABS systems to function properly Anyway, I am not sure what part you are referring to in your scenario but was curious if this is the same. It's located on the axle, from the explanation I got.
I would like to see a blow up schematic showing all relevant parts that pertain to ABS. It seems like an affordable piece that's very installable for someone who does basic repairs. Any ABS light issues I've encountered in my lifetime are usually wheel sensors, unless a major brake system failure occurs at which time I replce calipers, rotors and pads as well as the brake line assembly to the wheels. (referring to front end on 2004 Escape).
According to my mechanic, the sensor failure caused the ABS and 4WD lights to come on. The sensor was damaged by the drive shaft to the wheel. Once the sensor is damaged the pressure applied by the brake system is inconsistent.
Quanser srv02 student manual solutions. In one day both my front rotors were warped. I had to replace two rotors, brake pads, sensors and get another part on the drive shaft that did not cause the sensor to break.
After hearing all this, I looked into Ford Escape brake problems. Seems like they can go out at any time and come back on without a cause???? Many people are writing about near acciddents, accidents and Ford's refusal to do anything about this very dangerous brake issue. I agree as with some above and from my experience having a 2005 escape, that its one of your wheel speed sensor 'tone' rings! The issue for me was the exact same warnings 'service four wheel drive' alternate with 'service brake system' I had it looked at and fixed by an ex ford mechanic workmate whom is now a millwright and has a shop at home and does mechanics on the side, and sure enough the ring on right passenger side was split causing it to move away slightly from its normal position, he told me that apparently these rings are made extremely thin and over time rust forms underneath from moisture, expands and finally splits the ring! In my simple layman's understanding its the wheel speed sensors that determine which wheels are spinning at which rate, if for example both front wheels stopped rotating and back ones still turning then vehicle realizes its in a skid and the abs is activated. Same with the auto four wheel drive if various wheel slippage is detected then that system is engaged!
My neighbor has the same vehicle and experienced the same warning problem within a couple of months of mine! The replacement part was surprisingly inexpensive with this new found knowledge of what his problem was I was able to help him replace his in his carport with the aide of a Haynes manual as a guide and of course a little more time taken than it would of a more experienced mechanic!:). I just recently replaced my two front rotors and brake pads on my 03 Ranger XLT.

2004 Ford E350 Brake Light Wiring Diagram
After completing the job I drove it around the block for a test drive. Half way around the block, I had a real stiff pedal, then all of a sudden I started hearing a popping sound coming from the engine compartment, that sounded like bee bees hitting an old tin can. Half way through the stop the pedal went soft. I continued driving around the block and after a dozen stops, the ABS light came on. So.Back in the driveway where it has been sitting until I figure this out. The Reluctor Ring, or commonly called a 'tone' ring, is a magnetic feedback device that usually surrounds a vehicle's axle or cv joint in the vicinity of the brake at each wheel.
It is easily identified as a ring with notches cut into it, commonly about a half inch wide or slightly less, and 4.5-6' in diameter, depending on the size of the axle or cv joint in the vehicle. The 'nodes' in the ring (spaces between the notches, pass by the magnet in the wheel speed sensor(s) that sits at a specific distance from the ring, creating an electrical impulse that is sent to the ABS controller, or Brake Control Module (BCM). The ring and sensor count the nodes as they pass and calculate the wheel speed at the brake of each wheel. The vehicle speed sensor, in turn, should correspond with the reading at the wheel. The only time these values are NOT equal is when a wheel is locked up and sliding under hard braking conditions. In this condition, the BCM recognizes the values as inequal, and it engages the servo at the ABS unit, which allows the pressure in the brake lines to repeatedly 'pulse' as the pressure is released.
Reluctor rings, like anything else, can go bad, often due to rust between the ring and the axle, causing the ring to split and to dislodge from its calibrated position and setting off the ABS light. Sometimes the ring can lodge against the spindle, steering knuckle, or hub assembly, either shattering the parts around it or even causing the wheel to lock up entirely. Adverse brake performance can also result.
Brake systems are THE SINGLE MOST important system in a vehicle, do NOT touch them unless you are trained or experienced, your life literally depends on it! Tone rings are not always replaceable alone, as they're often part of the axle or cv assembly, so costs can vary widely.
Replacing axles or CV joints often requires forces exceeding several hundred pounds and can be incredibly dangerous to perform. Hope this information helps, and be safe. It's time to speak out for your right to repair We have a chance to guarantee our right to repair electronic equipment—like smartphones, computers, and even farm equipment. This is a once-in-a-generation chance to protect local repair jobs—the corner mom-and-pop repair shops that keep getting squeezed out by manufacturers.
Join the cause and tell your state representative to support Right to Repair. Tell them you believe repair should be fair, affordable, and accessible. Stand up for your right to repair!