Vigoro Spreader Manual
VIGORO SPREADER MANUAL (Fast Load) 1400 dls @ 7750 kb/s: VIGORO SPREADER MANUAL (Mirror #1) 2600 dls @ 9800 kb/s: Found documents. Gridconn Cushion Clamp Low Voltage Spreader Rod Technical Document. Deficiencies of the current Low Voltage Spreader Rod Attachment MethodsMichael Becktermbeckter gridconn com auBackground This is significant when considering that theThe distribution network.
Vigoro Fertilizer Spreader
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Answer: Unfortunately we are not exactly sure what setting to place the spreader on, but typically there is not a specific setting since it all depends on how fast you walk, etc The label calls for 3 to 7 pounds per 1000 square feet. If your spreader settings go from 1 to 10 (1 letting out the least and 10 letting out the most) you typically want to be around a 3 setting. If your spreader goes from 1 to 20, you should probably be around a 6 or 7 setting. The goal is to just run out of product when you are done walking the 1000 square feet. One person may walk faster than someone else, so they may place It on a higher setting than someone that walks slower. Almost all fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, etc have treatments in amounts of so much product per 1000 square feet.
So if you can figure out what your walking speed is then you know anytime you apply any product that calls for so much of it per 1000 square feet, you always set your spreader on this setting. You can calibrate this by marking off a 1000 square foot (10 x 100) area and placing 4 ounces of any type of product of similar granule size, or of the extinguish in the spreader.
Start with a low setting and start walking your marked off area at a normal pace. You can adjust as you go and find the basic setting for you to apply the product over a 1000 square feet. I hope this adequately answers your questions. If you still have any questions please do not hesitate to ask us. Answer last updated on: 31 of 44 people found this answer helpful. Was it helpful to you?
. 2 Answers SOURCE: I found this: For 18-24-12%50 PPSCU Product Application Rate:.LBS PER 1000 SQFT 4 Coverage:. 12000 Craftsman 3 Craftsman Drop 7 Cyclone 4.25 Earthway 14.25 Lely 4.5 LESCO HD-1 7 LESCO R-94 7.5 LESCO Rotary (80# & 100#) 15 Ortho 3 Precision 6 Red 6 Republic 3 Scott's Accu Green 7.25 Scott's Easy Green 26.25 Scott's R7- X F.5 Scott's R8-A J.5 Scott's Speedy Green 1000 6 Scott's Speedy Green 2000 7 Scott's Speedy Green 3000 6 Spyker 4.5 True Temper 1500 5000 5.5 Vicon 28 Posted on Oct 24, 2010. Hello, to solve your question about what number to use to calibrate your broadcast spreader, please use the step-by-step instructions below: 1. If you don't already know the square footage of your lawn, please walk off or measure, multiplying the length by width. For example, my lawn is 100 ft wide by 100 ft long; this equals 10,000 sq.
Use this figure (30,000 sq ft) to determine how much fertilizer, insecticide, fungicide,apply etc., to purchase and apply. To calibrate the spreader for applying your product at the correct rate, first weigh and hold out an amount of product to cover a pre-determined test area; for example, enough for a 200 sq ft space. Because most lawn fertilizers are packaged to cover areas in 1000 sq ft increments, it's easy to figure how many 1,000 sq ft applications you need for your lawn. Set your spreader to 3 and measure 1/5 of the recommended application on your product, to cover a 200 sq ft area.
Use your spreader to cover this 200 sq ft area. If there is product remaining in the hopper after walking this 200 sq ft area, increase the setting number and move to another test area, repeat steps 5 and 6. If there wasn't enough product to cover the test area, back the number down, move to another test area, and repeat steps 5 and 6, until you finish with product and lawn test area at the same time.
Remember to never leave product in your hopper because many chemicals are corrosive and can destroy the moving parts, making the spreader inoperable. I hope this helps! Apr 02, 2011.
I have the same question, but have not found a direct answer. I have calculated an estimate setting of 4 or 5 for the speedygreen 2000. The Milky Spore is very simular to the fertilizer that I use.
Milky spore says that 1lb covers a little over 300 square feet. My fertilizer says that at a setting of 4 it is spreading 2.6 lb per 1000 square feet (almost 3 lb per 1000 sq ft or 1 lb per 333 sq ft). Now I may be totally off, but just bought the Milky Spore today and will apply tomorrow. I may look some more tonight to see if I can find an answer. I felt it was kind of bad that the back of the Milky Spore suggested only using a drop spreader!? Sep 06, 2010.
Vigoro Spreader 15000
Here is the rule of thumb to determine your spreader setting. Place enough material in the hopper to cover 1,000 sq. (Usually indicated on the bag of product, if not indicated, take pounds in bag and divide by the number of thousand square feet bag covers. Example: 23lb bag covers 5,000 sq ft, divide 23 by 5 to get 4.6lbs per 1,000 sq ft). Place the spreader setting on a low setting (Usually one-fourth of the spreader setting range or less). Spread the material over a 50 x 20 ft.
Vigoro Hand Spreader Manual
Area (This is 1,000 sq. If material is left over, they need to increase the setting. If they come up short, they need to decrease the setting. While this is not a scientific method for getting the spreader setting, it will be close. May 16, 2010.